A Coin Toss.



Some are brighter than others. Some are grayer than most.

There is magic in soft diffused light streaming through barely closed wooden shutters and light foliage. When perfectly captured, it mimics that in-between of waking up and being half-asleep. And, of deciding if yesterday was just a dream (or, perhaps, a nightmare) and if today is worth the energy. All it takes is one heavy-lidded peek.

Five more minutes. Or six. Who’s counting?

Then, a stretch. One cover at a time. Reluctantly, you roll over toward the edge and slip yourself out from under that comfort, that snuggle. 

Deep breath. Roll those shoulders. Maybe, a hair toss.

Time for some coffee. 

Photo credit: Kevin Uy Photography — for soulful photography that is always on point.


Musical Thoughts


Hello, World.