Hello, World.

Hello, world. It’s me. 

Because writing has been a passion of mine since childhood, I have always toyed with the idea of setting up my own blog. It would simply be…me. Nothing fancy, nothing over-the-top. Just the basics of who I am, what fuels me, and what I do.

After some prodding, a lot of encouragement from my friends, and “practical” advice to just “go for it” — here we are. 

“Where She Writes” has officially gone live. (What have I done?)

When I hit “Publish Site,” I could hardly believe that I was able to muster enough patience to set up my own site from the ground up. Nevermind that Squarespace made the process virtually painless. The point is, I made it to “publish” and that counted for a lot. 

The initial purpose for “Where She Writes” was to be a portfolio site, where anyone who may be interested to collaborate with me can easily view my work. Fast forward to a couple of months later, I decided to turn it into an actual blog, where you, dear reader, can share in my thoughts and musings. And, perhaps, I can also learn some from you. 

One of the most interesting elements in this site is the cover art on my homepage. When I was setting up, a friend shared one or two stock image sites, where I can choose stylized photographs to be used as my cover. After a few days of scrolling, I gave up. Nothing spoke to me and nothing was remotely me. 

Enter Jaykee E. of Groundworks Design, one of my favorite graphic artists who also happened to be a friend from the automotive industry. An exchange here and there, a few sketch studies, and just two weeks later, it was a done deal.

My love for beautiful, unusual sunsets, where the sky meets the horizon. My penchant for the written word. My adoration for music. My appreciation for cars (which does include a Porsche, as it makes a special sneaky appearance).

And all in perfect color hues of blue and citrus.

It spoke to me and depicted who I am, at the moment. 

So, if you like what you’re seeing, keep watching this space, dear reader. We’ve made it this far and there’s definitely more coming.


A Coin Toss.


Dreaming In Black & White