Memory Bank
And then there are photographs that captured this season.
We took them, one after the other,
With carefree joy and without reason.
I sift through them now, countless, unable to bear,
The ache that echoes somewhere within me,
As the wetness blur my tearful stare.
I remember so clearly the way you said,
“Keep them, save them, until I return.
For these are the moments that will brighten our home,
Frame by frame, one that we would call our own.”
But now you have made it so clear to see,
I might be wrong — you want no more to do with me?
Because circumstance and crisis, thieves so sly,
Have stolen the dreams that we once held high.
There is no reaching you, you have gone so far.
These memories we shared, I wish to share back,
Somehow, some way, no matter where you are.
I look to the heavens, in both hope and pain.
There is no way around it, my heart still calls your name.